Month: June 2022

  • Christian Converser: US Theocracy Movement Gets A Boost [2]

    ​Along with the previous post in this series expounding the many problems that the current direction of the SCOTUS is creating, it’s time to take a fresh look at the impetus for theocracy and the divisions between different groups of orthodox / conservative Christians along theological and political lines. This is mostly over dominionism/theocracy and…

  • Localism / Regionalism In Canterbury

    Following up from the previous post on the so called “regional” stadium here are some more thoughts about local authorities in Canterbury. This follows on from a desperate attempt by CCC to portray the stadium as a “regional” facility in order to justify approaching other local authorities in Canterbury to get funding for the stadium.…

  • Zero Justification For Any Neighbouring Council To Contribute To Christchurch Stadium “Te Kaha”

    The news of the week is a major blowout in the expected cost of Christchurch’s new stadium. The project was originally supposed to come in at around $470 million, of which the government is to contribute $220 million, with $250 million to come from ratepayers via the Council. But now, it is suggested that this…

  • Historical Christchurch In Aerial Photography [0]: Introduction

    This month the blog is starting a series of posts on the history of Christchurch as seen in aerial photos. The Department of Lands and Survey, commonly known as L&S, which was the old government department responsible for maps, and which is now called Land Information New Zealand (Linz), and its predecessors began using orthogonal…

  • Steam Mopping Vs Chemical Cleaning [2]

    In Part 1 I wrote about my purchase of a steam mop. Since then I have also continued using string mops and recently purchased a wringer bucket from Bunnings for $42 to use with string mops. I can tell you that I think folding foam mops are largely a waste of time because the foam…